Eco you – brand, which embodies an ecological alternative to plastic and paper tubes, which does not harm or clog the environment. Each tube is unique and not similar to each other. In our production we used a new technology for processing and disinfection. At the final stage of manufacture there is a multistage check of quality, conformity of TU and sanitary norms.
Our tubes can be used for non-alcoholic, alcoholic, cold and hot drinks. When using our straws for coffee or tea, the effect on tooth enamel color is significantly reduced. They are odorless, tasteless and do not become deformed by moisture and high temperatures, even during prolonged use.
Eco-tubes differ from plastic tubes, which have a negative impact on the human body. The raw material from which the tubes are produced is completely decomposing.
The production of compost and fertilizer from used tubes is not only environmentally friendly but also beneficial for plant growth.
Conscious use of materials that do not pollute the environment is the key to the harmonious existence of humanity in the ecosystem of our planet.
Cultivation and implementation of these principles is
the ideological basis of the brand Eco you.